Priority Management Systems


History Priority Management Systems Inc. is a worldwide training organization providing tools, techniques and training solutions to enhance personal effectiveness and productivity. Founded in 1984 by productivity expert Daniel Stamp, Priority Management is now in 15 countries worldwide. His goal was to teach people the essential management skills in order to work and live more effectively. Today, Priority Management's worldwide network includes 100 training centres in 15 countries. Licensed independent associates, who are world-class productivity experts, lead the training centers. The centers allow Priority programs to be delivered locally by people who understand how to implement global quality and effectiveness into business practices. In addition to offering nine core programs, Priority Management is leading the way in developing training that shows how to use technology to one's advantage, rather than becoming a slave to it. For example, through its technology productivity program - Working Sm@rt with Microsoft Outlook - Priority Management recently trained more than 1,000 Microsoft employees on how to use Microsoft Outlook™ more effectively. Priority Management's sales have grown to $50 million worldwide today.




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